The Berean Prayer Center was peculiarly birth out of a dinner in commemoration with my birthday in August 2002.
While guests were busily eating the Holy Spirit whispered to me to get up and preach, for “there are souls who do not know the Lord and need salvation.” I initially felt uncomfortable and went into the bedroom, hoping not to inconvenience myself and the guests. I got the same message again in the bedroom, for the third time, the message was: “the hour is coming, and now is, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24.
I realized God had spoken and got up to make the unfamiliar announcement; ‘sorry to interrupt your eating for few minutes,’ and begun to preach the message received. Amazingly, the short message was received by the audience, many of whom gave their lives to the Lord for the first time. They urged me to continue the prayer session every weekend and pledged their commitment to attend every Sunday at 6 pm. This continued for several weeks and we added Thursday evening for deliverance prayer.
As a result of increase in attendance due to greater move of the Holy Spirit and the associated breakthroughs, the regular attendees suggested that we look for a place of worship and subsequently discuss the formation of the church (Berean Prayer Center), after the usual Thursday evenings prayer session had grown spiritually and numerically from four people to ten.
As the church grew, it was officially incorporated at the office of the Clerk of Court in the Bronx county of New York State on October 8, 2002. The Berean Prayer Center conducted Sunday worship service, Wednesday Bible teaching, and Thursday prayer service at 1710 Montgomery Ave. until November 24 when Whosoever Will Baptist Church at 1651 Popham Ave. opened their sanctuary to us for service on Sunday and Thursday temporarily. We became of great blessing to them until the Lord gave us a place at 49 West 170 street in July 2004.
Here, the church experienced and witnessed many healing miracles, breakthrough from the powers of darkness, and salvation. In spite of all these, we went through unprecedented physical challenges I now know as wilderness experience; leaking roof causing drenching in water, soaked chairs and rugs that caused bad odor, but we kept the faith to go on.
In February 2013 the Lord revealed to me in a vision the new place He would take the church to; a building close to a river. The flowering plants near the river were green flourishing.
And He said to me; “the plants do flourish because of the constant water supply from the river, so will I make your ministry because of the constant supply of My anointing”. We sought for a new place of worship due to hazardous nature of the building.
On May 1, 2014 a landlord whom I negotiated, to lease a 10,000 square foot premises refused to accept payment because the said building had no sprinklers. I felt disappointed but God was not because that wasn’t what He had shown me in the vision. There was no river nearby, no park of trees.
The disappointment gave way for divinely appointed promised new place. A real estate man led me to a building with sprinkler system, near a river as shown in the vision.
What makes it more peculiar is the fact that I saw a Nigerian Minister walked out of the building, got manifested on my physical inspection of the premises.
This Nigerian Pastor by name Ike walked into this 7,500 square foot open building, out of nowhere to the astonishment of the realtor. The Landlord gave me a gift of a piano after going through the fasters lease signed on June 18, 2014.
Our first wedding; we witness bride walking in before the groom. Peculiar healings in cancer, and other deadly diseases. We moved into the old warehouse building on June 23rd, and begun service even in dust.
We have been called to be vessels of deliverance to captives. Our aim is not to seek recognition from man but to seek the divine direction of Jesus Christ in bringing salvation to the lost, redemption to the destitute and deliverance to the captives through the power of the Holy Spirit. My utmost desire is for BPC to be a purpose driven Ministry.
Our pledge to the Lord is to operate transparently, rely on the Holy Spirit and guard against church politics, to glorify Jesus Christ. We are arrested by the Holy Spirit to be tested & reflect the peculiar characteristics of our Lord Jesus, Help us accomplish what He has ordained us to do here at Berean Prayer Center, with your prayer, substance and financial support. Tap into the vision, and reap the associated favor.
Thank you and may God richly bless you.
Rev. Osei Karikari Manu.
PHONE: (347) 269-8647